5th Annual Imagine Science Film Festival, celebrating our 5 years trying to bridge the divide between art and science through the film medium. Things have returned more or less to normal here in NYC after the events of superstorm Sandy, and the indie film events have followed suit. The 5th Annual Imagine Science Film Festival, November 8 – 16, 2012. With new events, panels, receptions, and the largest selection of science based films to date, the 5th Annual Imagine Science Film Festival promises to be an exciting week of films presenting scientific fact in compelling visual narrative. This year, the festival will present films that stimulate the synapses and the senses by exploring in the inner mind , the brain in all its states and the meaning of time. Full day programs will be devoted to avant-garde science bits, documentaries, footage from actual lab experiments, discussion about the meaning of dreams and kid-friendly science-based films. The Imagine Science Film Festival is first science film festival in the world founded by scientists. It aims to transform the way science and scientists are portrayed in mainstream media, while emphasizing the importance of storytelling, narrative structure, sand visual communication.