2012 | UK | Documentary

Love, Hate and Everything in Between

  • English 53 mins
  • Director | Alex Gabbay
  • Producer | Alex Gabbay

This film is currently not available.   

Can empathy resolve issues of aggression and subjugation, where wars, politics and economic sanctions have failed?

Man’s capacity for kindness and compassion is overshadowed only by his ability to be as cruel and destructive. Can empathy resolve issues of aggression and subjugation, where wars, politics and economic sanctions have failed? Love Hate and Everything in Between looks into the world of neuroscience, psychology, education and technology to explore the extraordinary relevance of empathy in today’s increasingly interconnected world.

Watch Alex Gabbay's other films at: http://monkeyandmefilms.vhx.tv

The Price of Fairness | 77 mins

Why do we accept huge levels of inequality and social injustice? This is one of the central questions that The Price of Fairness sets out to answer. From the caste-biased villages of India to the race-sensitive streets of Ferguson, Missouri, this documentary explores our understanding of fairness and what it takes to change an unfair system.

Just Trial and Error | 63 mins

Perhaps no aspect of the mind is more familiar or more puzzling than consciousness – it is something that has defied definition. Yet our conscious experience of self and the world is what shapes us and our history


empathy love hate aggression emotion social behavior neuroscience psychology primate scientist MRI