The Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española, Sociedad Anónima, S. M. E., known as Radiotelevisión Española (acronym RTVE, branded in logo in all lowercase), is the state-owned public corporation that assumed in 2007 the indirect management of the Spanish public radio and television service known as Ente Público Radiotelevisión Española. It provides multi-station television (Televisión Española) and radio services (Radio Nacional de España), as well as online and streaming services (RTVE Play). Since the entry into force of the Ley de Financiación de RTVE in 2009, RTVE is primarily funded by a combination of subsidies from the General State Budget and a fee levied on the private agents' gross revenue (3.0 % for private free-to-air channels, a 1.5 % for private subscription channels and a 0.9 % for telecom companies). RTVE is a full member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). The corporation's central headquarters, Prado del Rey, are located in Pozuelo de Alarcón.