Cajal has finished his memoirs and receives a letter from Birchoski telling him about events that occurred with the arrival of Hitler and asking him to apply for political asylum. He remembers when he met Silveria in 1879: after several days of observing her he decided to follow her and they formalized their relationship by seeing her mother. They get married very early and the ceremony is attended by Pedro, the groom's brother, and the bride's mother. He begins to investigate in his new house and makes the first discovery (the presence of platelets in the blood of a batrachian), for whose publication he uses his wife's savings (used to purchase curtains) and what he obtained from the sale of emulsions. designed for photographic plates. Due to the university comments on this publication, Don Justo visits the couple (his wife had already done so). He reproaches him for investigating alone. He advises him to take academic exams to be able to live and research.
Cajal ha terminado sus memorias y recibe carta de Birchoski contándole hechos acaecidos con la llegada de Hitler y pidiéndole gestione asilo político. Recuerda cuando conocía a Silveria en 1879: tras varios días de observarla se decidió a seguirla y formalizan sus relaciones viéndose en presencia de la madre. Se casan muy temprano y a la ceremonia asisten Pedro, el hermano del novio, y la madre de la novia. Comienza a investigar en su nueva casa y hace el primer descubrimiento (la presencia de plaquetas en la sangre de un batracio), para cuya publicación emplea los ahorros de su esposa (destinados a la compra de visillos) y lo obtenido con la venta de emulsiones ideadas para placas fotográficas. Con motivo de los comentarios universitarios sobre esta publicación, Don Justo visita al matrimonio (su esposa ya lo había hecho). Le recrimina que investigue en solitario. Le aconseja se presente a oposiciones de cátedra para poder vivir e investigar.