2017 | Poland | Documentary,Short

Volte (2017)

  • Polish English 14 mins
  • Director | Monika Kotecka, Karolina Poryzala
  • Writer | Monika Kotecka, Karolina Poryzala
  • Producer | Ewa Jastrzebska

STATUS: Released


This film is currently not available.   

Zuzia - 12, has been training vaulting for two years and has extraordinary role topping the acrobatic pyramid. She is “flyer” lifted by the stronger and more experienced vaulters-“base”.

Another intensive season begins. During training sessions it becomes apparent that the girl has lost some of her grace and lightness. At first the coach blames the “base” but they admit that Zuzia is to big to lift her. It became clear that she is “just growing” and her role is given over to a younger girl.

vaulting coming of age temwork portrait