2019 | Poland | Animation,Short

The Land of Whim

  • no dialogue 8 mins
  • Director | Betina Bozek
  • Writer | Betina Bozek
  • Producer | Robert Sowa

This film is currently not available.   

The Land of Whim, the main character in the film, is a planet invented by the director. Animation is the image of a land ruling by a whim. Everything that exists on the planet is unobvious, chaotic, and changes its shapes and properties. Mutual penetration and transformation of forms, change of places of creatures and objects - these are words that can be used to describe the character of the film. Despite the apparent mess that prevails on the planet, it is a happy place - clear and pure colors prevail in it. The picture of the strange and fairy-tale reality created by the author is an explosion of joy and surrealism.

animation surrealism transformation planet creatures explosion