2016 | United States | Documentary

The Bat Rescuer

  • English 10 mins
  • Director | Kristin Tieche
  • Writer | Kristin Tieche
  • Producer | Kristin Tieche

This film is currently not available.   

The Bat Rescuer is a short film is a film released in 2016. In this short film, we meet bat rescuer and educator Corky Quirk, the founder of NorCal Bats, an organization that provides care for injured bats and educational programs for libraries, schools, nature programs, fairs and other events throughout the region. Corky has been working intensely with native California bats since 2005 and has educated thousands of people. She works with injured and orphaned bats, returning them to the wild and keeps a captive colony of non-releasable bats for use in education. She is permitted through the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife and the USDA.

bats bat rescue California bat conservation