2018 | Switzerland | Fiction,Experimental,Data Visualization,Short

No Wall is Ever Silent

  • French English 12 mins
  • Director | collectif_fact, Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet
  • Writer | collectif_fact, Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet
  • Producer | collectif_fact, Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet

This film is currently not available.   

Every building is perceived differently according to its occupant’s intention. The video ‘No wall is ever silent’ was shot in a former bank in Geneva. The building holds the leading role, whilst voices of professionals with a unique perspective on the space, encourages us to observe hidden details. A police inspector, a geobiologist (ghost hunter), a game designer and a specialist in modern architecture help us discover something only perceived by someone willing to break in or ready to solve a spatial puzzle.

architecture simulation virtual spatial puzzle invisibility art