2021 | Poland | Documentary,Feature

No Hero at All

  • Polish English 77 mins
  • Director | Michał Kawecki
  • Writer | Michał Kawecki
  • Producer | Maria Siniarska, Łukasz Borzęcki

STATUS: Released


This film is currently not available.   

Due to a severe birth defect, Miszka’s arms and legs have not fully developed: he has no hands or feet.  That hasn’t stopped him from becoming a multiple champion for Poland’s Paralympic alpine skiing team. But when Miszka is accused of stealing scooters and a car, he loses his spot on the team: his future career and planned participation in the Winter Paralympics Olympics are jeopardized! He’s given one last chance to get back on the team, but will he manage to deal with his shortcomings and distance himself from the crowd that has brought him to this precarious situation?  This personal struggle will be the biggest challenge he has ever faced.

skiing disability portrait birth defect struggle challenge champion skiing team future career participation Winter Paralympics Olympics last chance situation