NIGHT is a stunning and cinematic feature that explores the universal nature of night and how we experience it. People and places, urban and rural, are reflected in its wonder. It captures the mystery, mood and magic of the night and weaves these images into a lush and dramatic symphonic score. Voices from all walks of life tell stories of their ‘affair’ with the night - the pleasure and the pain, reality and fantasy, at work and leisure, past and present – cutting across the aural and visual landscape.
Night holds many pleasures. For some, it’s when we come alive, the time we feel we live our real lives, seeking leisure or at home after a long day at work. Night is filled with celebrations which mark the passage of time - birthdays, anniversaries, dinners, family outings, sporting events, fireworks, the movies, travel, love and sex. NIGHT captures the essence of our lives between dusk and the dawn of a new day.
Night also fuels the darkest recesses of our mind. It can invoke danger, loathing and terror. Things which are acceptable during the day, can take on a new meaning at night, especially when we are alone. How are we affected by the night? How do our feelings change over the years toward the night, from being a child and perhaps fearful of the dark, scared of ghosts or bogeymen, to a teenager, seeking adventure and excitement, on into adulthood and old age? People’s stories, connecting us to the universal nature of night, begin to unravel the mysteries and secrets of the night.
Night comes along once every day and the darkness of the night affects us all.
When I was a boy we lived near a refinery and my mother would sometimes stand at the window looking at the sky. When it was rainy the clouds hung low, and the light from the eternal flame lit up the sky. She was scared, always scared that the lights from the refinery flame reflected on the clouds meant there was something wrong. We didn’t know anything was wrong but we believed her because she was our mother. Lawrence Johnston – Homefire