2022 | Poland | Animation,Documentary

Magda (2022)

  • Polish English 9 mins
  • Director | Adela Kaczmarek
  • Writer | Tomasz Siwiński, Adela Kaczmarek, Anna Głowik
  • Producer | Piotr Szczepanowicz, Jakub Karwowski

STATUS: Released


This film is currently not available.   

Podhale, Poland, Winter of 1939. Magda (15) is an excellent skier. She joins the Polish Resistance and helps by bringing documents and fugitives across the mountains into Slovakia. One day she learns that the group of 23 pilots urgently need to cross the border, as Gestapo is on their heels. She comes up with a risky plan to lure the Nazis her way, allowing pilots to pass without being seen. Unfortunately, the Nazi soldiers are experienced skiers too, able to shoot and reload their guns while skiing at full speed. Magda must take a chance as she sets off into the woods, racing through the snow.

portrait war mountain sport Poland Slovakia Winter skier documents fugitives pilots border Nazis Nazi soldiers skiing woods racing snow