2024 | USA, Austria | Documentary,Fiction,Experimental,Feature

Little, Big, and Far

  • English, German English 120 mins
  • Director | Jem Cohen
  • Writer | Jem Cohen
  • Producer | Paolo Calamita, Jem Cohen, Scott Macaulay

STATUS: Post-Production

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Little, Big, and Far is a hybrid feature film with a focus on astronomy, physics, and natural history museums. The main character, Karl, is an Austrian astronomer and dark sky advocate, at a crossroads in life and work. At 70, with jobs at risk and his physicist wife distancing, he and his colleague, Sarah, also struggle with the environmental crises reshaping their fields. After a museums conference in Greece, Karl decides not to return home and heads for a small island in hopes of finding a dark enough sky to reconnect with the stars. Left on his own at a remote mountain trail, he ascends and waits for darkness to fall.

Astronomy Physics Museums Dark skies citizen science