2016 | Ireland | Documentary

Feats of Modest Valour

  • English 26 mins
  • Director | Mia Mullarkey, Alice McDowell

This film is currently not available.   

Three individuals live clockwork existences, dictated by a strict regime of medication and the challenging physical reality of living with Parkinson's. Meanwhile, a team of dedicated scientists in Galway are developing a new medical device, which could potentially halt or even cure the devastating disease. Woven together with observation and animation, the film invites us to witness the story of groundbreaking medical science taking place in Galway and the profound impact this will have on people with Parkinson's Disease both nationally and worldwide.

This project is part of the Science on Screen 2016 initiative, commissioned by the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM) and Science Foundation Ireland in association with Galway UNESCO City of Film and Galway Film Centre.

neuroscience psychiatry Parkinson's disease lab experiment scientist medicine dopamine brain aging medication reality