2024 | Peru | Experimental,Installation

Dream of a Dove Flying

  • 0 mins
  • Director | Fernando Criollo
  • Writer | Fernando Criollo
  • Producer | Fernando Criollo

STATUS: Development

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As the forest is traversed, we hear sounds from a place that is neither a forest nor a city, but a hybrid combination of both. These sounds, difficult to decipher, reveal through their content and character that they might belong to the last great civilization. ‘Dream of a Dove Flying’ seeks to traverse the stages from death to life metaphorically, by creating a dialogue between image and sound in a post-ecological futuristic distopia, where humans have lost their connection to nature. The human dilemma remains the same: to conquer or to prevail. Could God be hidden or sheltered in the forest?

dreams nature existencial journey self geography landscape post-ecological night astronomy falling stars