2021 | Switzerland, The Netherlands | Documentary

Descending the Mountain

  • English, German English 78 mins
  • Director | Maartje Nevejan
  • Writer | Maartje Nevejan
  • Producer | Annette Badenhorst, Monette de Botton, Bohdana Tamas

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DESCENDING THE MOUNTAIN takes us on a journey of mystical revelations, experienced through meditation and psilocybin. To understand how psychedelics reveal the nature of consciousness, psychiatrist Franz and Zen master Vanja guide experienced meditators – who have never used psychedelics before – through a ground-breaking scientific experiment on the majestic Swiss Mount Rigi. The doc blends visual art, spiritual understanding, and scientific research. Fairylike animation and A.I. art visualize the mystical experience that reminds us of how much our consciousness and the nature that surrounds us, are interconnected.

#psilocybin #psychedelics #meditation mystical nature scientific spiritual animation nature