2013 | The Netherlands | Experimental

Alles was Irgendwie NütztAll (All What is Somehow Useful )

  • 8 mins
  • Director | Pim Zwier

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A multitude of animals brought together in a rhythmical sequence of photographs. The images blend together similar to the cross breeding of animals. An accumulation of bygone days, captured in photos, in which the animals are replaceable, but the same employees frequently reappear. Years of studies and experiments on animals are reduced to a few images per second. The outcome of the research derived from the image or remains a mystery. Seeing is comparing; discovering similarities or differences, seeking for an ideal, gratification of curiosity, optimising utilisation. "Alles was Irgendwie NütztAll" is based on the historical glass plate photograph collection "Julius Kühn" of the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

history biology animal agriculture lab scientist physiology experiment photography negatives archive