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A smarter cinematic way to educate and entertain.

Discover, Plan, Share! Tune into the Science New Wave today.

Labocine PRO is a unique professional hub that bridges the worlds of Science and Film, connecting scientists, artists, educators and programmers at a global scale. 

As a PRO user, you can share Events with your community and beyond. We also provide you with the tools to connect directly with creators, launch your own film programs, and promote them far and wide.

Labocine PRO includes over 5,000 titles that you also browse privately with your community. Our film library doubles every year and we are announcing new PRO features every month. 

Send us your PRO request today by filling out the form and we will get back to you shortly after to sign you up!

What do you get from Labocine PRO?

Stream films online

Watch over 5,000 titles privately

Extensive search through our databases

Search by film title, topic, director or any other keyword.

Create and share playlists

Start building your customized programs for academic purposes, events and beyond.

Build a community within your organization

Invite others to enjoy and peruse your program. Expand your viewership and grow your own ecosystem of artists, scientists, filmmakers.

Reach filmmakers, distributors and producers

Interact directly with creators to access their films for events and to invite them to contribute to your programs remotely or in person.

Plan and promote your event

Share your event with your community and the Pro community at-large. Our Pro team will also provide marketing and social media tools to reach a broader audience.

You will also benefit from basic plan

Access to our Monthly issues

Watch our program of 30 films per month surgically curated by our programmers that dive into a specific topic

Read and watch our Spotlights

Enjoy our weekly Spotlights that focus on trending topics in science and profile filmmakers or scientists


Plunge into the world of scientific imagery - microscopy, simulation, behavioral experiments, fieldwork

Bring compelling and accurate science movies to your |

Labocine PRO: A Step-by-Step Guide


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