La Grotte Chauvet : Dialogues D’équipe (The Chauvet Cave: Team Dialogues) Pierre Oscar Lévy France 2003 FILM
La Cité Des Savants... Ou Le Principe D’incertitude (City of Scholars... Or the Principle of Uncertainty) Iossif Pasternak France 1994 FILM
La Mouche, Le Mammouth Et L’aristoloche (The Fly, the Mammoth and the Aristolochia) Jean-Christophe Monferran Rémy Bruckert France 1998 FILM
Petits Oiseaux Et Grands Savants (Little Birds and Great Scientists) Catherine Garanger France 2004 FILM
Les Routes Du Silence (The Roads of Silence) Jean-Luc Cohen Arnaud Jouve Louis Bastin France 2004 FILM
Life After the Death of Henrietta Lacks (La Vie apres la mort de Henrietta Lacks) Mathias Thery France 2004 FILM