Sweet July

July 2024 Issue

Sweet July is a feeling of happiness and a time when good things happen in life. It can also be a thought or phrase that encourages people to find their own version of Sweet July. Some say that finding your Sweet July means embracing the big and small moments that make life worth living.

In a time where our pursuit of happiness often intertwines with indulgence, our July Issue curates a selection of films that delve into the intricate dance between bliss, contentment, and our double-edged flirations with the most seductive of molecules: sugar. We also explore how Sweet July intersects with other forms of human joy and fulfillment including equality, diversity and freedom of expression.

This program invites viewers to contemplate the multifaceted nature of sweetness in our lives—both literal and metaphorical. From the intoxicating allure of a summer escapades to the bittersweet reminiscence of childhood memories, each film in "Sweet July" captures a unique aspect of our emotional spectrum. These cinematic gems weave together narratives that reflect on how moments of joy, often fleeting and ephemeral, can be crystallized through the simplest pleasures. 

In Chronicle of a Summer (Chronique d'un été), directed by Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin, the question "Are you happy?" serves as a central theme and a starting point for the film's exploration of everyday life in Paris during the summer of 1960. Some 64 years later, we attempt to respond through this slate of films to this inquiry.


Guille Isa Angello Faccini United States, Colombia 2018

Third Shift

Anthony Banua-Simon United States of America 2013