Jess Nash

neuroscientist, artist

New Haven, US

neuroscience microscopy fiction molecular biology brain painting film evolution nematodes c. elegans neuron cellular morphology drawing storytelling alchemy swarms horror molecular aesthetics biochemistry

I'm a neurobiology researcher at Yale's Wu Tsai Institute - also I write, paint, watch movies, walk outside a lot. I currently bounce around New Haven, New York, and Boston.

I'm interested in what film can do with, or for, the visual part of scientific knowledge (real or imaginary); science and fiction and science fiction; the world and work hidden in labs; and relations between science, education, and culture - bonus for experimental forms, horror elements, and the weird.

I'm also generally interested in creative engagement with the patterns/forms/processes of life that we usually think of as subjects of scientific study, like evolution or morphology. Also the lives of scientists, between stories, aesthetics, ideologies, and superstitions; also peoples' bodies, identities, memories, knowledge, and relationships with nature; also what people kind of generally think about science. 


Neuron Floats