Elodie Freymann

primatologist + naturalist

London, GB

chimpanzee primatology self-medication wildlife visual storytelling conservation botany

I recently completed my PhD in Anthropology at the University of Oxford, specializing in botanical self-medication amongst the wild chimpanzees of the Budongo Forest in Western Uganda. I also have field experience working in the Ecuadorian Amazon and in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. Throughout my projects, I use multidisciplinary approaches and methods, including behavioral data coding, animal health monitoring, ethnomedicinal interviews, and pharmacological testing. I also employ natural historical techniques to document my work, including filmmaking and botanical drawing. I am currently a post-doctoral affiliate at the University of Oxford, engaged in the use of art and storytelling to translate and democratize conservation-focused scientific research into accessible formats.




Danglin Pangolin


Simon Eating Fruit in Uganda