Ben Fiscella Meissner

writer, underwater cinematographer, filmmaker

La Paz, MX

underwater marine science environmental justice oceanography

I am a media specialist interested in society's understanding of and place within the ecology of land and sea. As we face a critical era for global cooperation and awareness, I dedicate my time to stories that may inlude the persepctives of marginalized groups, often more acutely affected by and aware of their natural environments. In my work I seek to explore their contribution to our knowledge and stewardship of Earth's ecosystems. 

My work takes a variety of forms; I perform underwater cinematography for productions of all scales; I write and produce science communication media often in a model of short-form documentary projects, and I prioritize film and transmedia projects that can incorporate themes of environmental justice.  

Based in La Paz, BCS Mexico, collaborate with local researchers, coastal communities, and community-based organizations to create visual stories. 


Aftermath: a row along Cuba in the wake of a hurricane


munkiana: A field journal


Reef Boricua