2024 | Türkiye, Italy, Germany, Norway, Netherlands   | Fiction

Yeni șafak solarken (New Dawn Fades)

  • Turkish, Bosnian - 130 mins
  • Director | Gürcan Keltek
  • Writer | Gürcan Keltek
  • Producer | Arda Çiltepe, Manuela Buono, Marc Van Goethem, Stefan Gieren, Fernanda Renno

STATUS: Post-Production

This film is currently not available.   

As Akın loses touch with his true self, his mind shifts into another reality. The streets of heaped districts, where evil became banal and mercy perished, are now home to ‘devils’ and ‘demons’.

Psychological Thriller Supernatural Reality Street Touch Mind Shifts Heaped Districts Evil Banal Mercy Demon Devil