2021 | United States | Short

Wildlife Killing Contests

  • English - 25 mins
  • Director | Filipe DeAndrade
  • Writer | Kim Frank
  • Producer | Filipe DeAndrade, Brian Moghari

STATUS: Released

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WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS is a documentary film exposing the inhumane practice of predator competitions taking place throughout the United States. Predator competitions are point-based contests where the goal is to kill as many predator species as possible in a set amount of time, resulting in money and prizes. Wolves, pumas, bobcats, foxes, and coyotes are the most targeted animals, often hunted without a plan for harvest and discarded in a pit to be burned. Through the documentary film, an impact campaign, written articles, and a call to action, WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS provides viewers with direction and actionable steps to help end inhumane predator competitions.

Wildlife Conservation Predator Management Animal Rights Environmental Documentary Short Film