"When the Sun Explodes" is a 5-song EP and animated mini-series by Very Nice Person. The story starts in Malibu, California, when the sun suddenly explodes and takes the main characters, Davis & Skyler, on a quest to bring it back and restore balance on Earth. They travel through different dimensions, gaining powers and meeting guides to help them along the way. Dialogue is shown through speech bubbles, and there are no voices in the series, just music. Plants communicate in a unique hieroglyphic language. Each episode reflects the lyrics and energies of the songs. Stems of the tracks are used to create interludes that provide insight into the mission. The series takes an imaginative approach in exploring an animated world dominated by industrialization, highlighting the consequences of overlooking nature and the negative impact it has on society. This project merges music and animation to highlight the EP and present an engaging story in a unique and creative way.