1929 | USA | Fiction

Wall Street (1929)

  • English - 68 mins
  • Director | Roy William Neill
  • Writer | Norman Houston, Paul Gangelin, Jack Kirkland
  • Producer | Harry Cohn

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Ralph Ince is Roller McCray, a steelworker turned ruthless tycoon whose tough business methods leads a rival (Philip Strange) to commit suicide. The widow (Aileen Pringle), believing she can ruin Ince by using his own methods, conspires with her husband's former partner (Sam De Grasse), but a strong friendship between Ince and Pringle's young son (Freddie Burke Frederick) changes things dramatically.

Finance Stock Market Drama Corruption 1930s Steelworker Ruthless Tycoon Business Methods Friendship Partner