2023 | Czech Republic | Short

Voda pro život: Pitná voda (Water for Life: Drinking Water)

  • Czech - 27 mins
  • Director | Martina Spurná
  • Writer | Martina Spurná
  • Producer | Daniela Uhrová

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

How do Czech scientists view the availability and quality of water? How good is our drinking water, and will it continue to be drinkable? Water for Life seeks answers to these questions and shows water as we may not know it with the help of Czech experts. According to the current limits, our drinking water is good, potable, and meets all the required parameters. But due to our consumption and lifestyle, water becomes mixed with substances that we do not know well, although we can identify them with modern analytical methods. Yet, their presence in water raises concerns. Science is thus an integral part of the journey from the water source to a glass of drinking water and reveals the system’s weak spots to be addressed to keep our water drinkable.

Water Potability Consumption Lifestyle