2022 | Finland, Germany, Estonia, Norway | Fiction

Veden Vartija (Memory of Water) (2022)

  • Finnish English 101 mins
  • Director | Saara Saarela
  • Writer | Ilja Rautsi
  • Producer | Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Reinhard Brundig, Nina Frese, Ivo Felt, Maria Ekerhovd

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The world has been devastated by global warming and fresh water is strictly rationed. Noria Kaitio, daughter of the last true tea masters, is entrusted by her father with the location of a secret freshwater spring. When he dies, Noria feels intense guilt witnessing the suffering of the people close to her due to the severe lack of water putting their lives in danger. But if she breaks her promise and reveals her source, not only will the repressive authorities commandeer the supply, Noria could also face imprisonment and worse. Based on the bestseller by Emmi Itäranta.

Science Fiction Dystopia Environmental Crisis Adaptation Finnish Cinema