2024 | Kosovo | Short

Vasha e Arratisur (Escapee)

  • English DokuFest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival 2024 10 mins
  • Director | Anisa Aliu
  • Writer | Anisa Aliu
  • Producer | Eroll Bilibani, Malbora Krajku, Zana Arapi Xheladini

STATUS: Released

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The documentary "Escapee" unfolds the story of Shkurte Krasniqi, who ran away from her home in Vranoc at the age of 17 due to her family discontinuing her education. Shkurte recalls the most challenging moments of her life on the train to Peja, which she took for the first time when she pursued her university education in Pristina. This conversation between Shkurte and her niece serves as a symbol of resistance against the denial of the right to education, which is still denied to 10% of girls in Kosovo today.

Short Film Documentary Kosovo Education Women's Rights Resistance Family Journey Personal Story Denial Pristina Ran Away