2024 | Palestine, Italy, France | Fiction

Upshot (2024)

  • Arabic - 34 mins
  • Director | Maha Haj
  • Writer | Maha Haj
  • Producer | Hanna Attallah, Ronza Kamel, Paolo Benzi, Teresa Mannino, Juliette Lepoutre, Pierre Menahem, Aroob Hamed, Sama Makhoul

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Suleiman and Mona are a couple who lead a solitary life in which they care for animals and trees and have constant heated discussions about their children’s life choices. However, one day, their routine is disturbed when a stranger shows around, calling to mind a painful past.

Drama Psychological Drama Family Couple Lead Solitary Life Care Animals Trees Discussions Children Choices Routine Stranger Painful Past