2024 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Unknown Society: Countryside, Parasites, Owners

  • Czech - 27 mins
  • Director | Vit Taneček
  • Writer | Vít Taneček, Pavel Pospěch
  • Producer | Jakub Mahler

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Do you feel like the world has gone mad? The events of recent months may have intensified the feeling in many people that reality is outstripping the possibilities of fiction, but that is no reason for resignation. Social upheavals bring us new perspectives on what we have taken for granted. Czech Television's six-part series based on the book of the same name by sociologist Pavel Pospěch looks at Czech society through apparent banalities. What does the way we wait in line reveal about us? How can townspeople versus country people be defined? And who are those who parasitize our society? When will the inevitable collapse come? Unknown Society will teach you to question indisputable certainties and instead look for meaning in apparent historical contingencies and anomalies.

Societal Analysis Social Commentary Cultural Critique