2024 | Japan, Spain | Fiction

ユリシーズ (Ulysses)

  • Russian, Basque, Spanish, English, Japanese English, French 73 mins
  • Director | Hikaru Uwagawa
  • Writer | Hikaru Uwagawa
  • Producer | Hikaru Uwagawa

STATUS: Released

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In Madrid, a young Russian woman has been living alone with her eight-year-old son since his father left them to "look for treasure". In San Sebastian, a Japanese traveller meets a young Basque woman; they spend time together, she introduces him to her friends, knowing full well that he will leave one day. In Maniwa, a young man returns to his family, on the occasion of an Obon ceremony prepared in honour of his grandfather. Each story, autonomous, follows the other.

Family Drama Romance Russian Woman Treasure Japanese Basque Time Friends Occasion Obon Ceremony Honour Grandfather