2019 | United States | Documentary

Trans Pecos: The Story of Stolen Land and the Loss of America's Last Frontier

  • English - 75 mins
  • Director | Nicol Ragland
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Nicol Ragland, Anna Rau, Corbett Jones

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

A timely intervention weaving together the issues of land and water rights, while painting an honest portrait of what is to come if we allow oil interest to supersede public good. It is a cautionary tale meant to inspire people from every walk of life to take action and work toward change that can happen if informed citizens and those in power hold oil and gas companies accountable. A documentary that uncovers the truth in Far West Texas and one pipeline reflecting the beginning of the invasion of one of the last American frontiers.

Documentary Environmental Issues Activism Oil and Gas Land Rights Water Rights Social Justice Corporate Accountability Cautionary Tale Community Engagement