2014 | Czech Republic | Documentary

To Beat and Not To Beat (2014)

  • Czech - 52 mins
  • Director | Tomáš Škrdlant
  • Writer | Tomáš Škrdlant, Ruth J. Weiniger
  • Producer | Petra Zelinková

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

What arguments are voiced when we ask if corporal punishment should have a place in child-rearing in Czechia? What effect and influence on relationships does it have? And why do some swear by it while others want it gone? The film by Czech Television uses statements by children, parents, educators, and adults reflecting on their own childhood to offer a complex look at the use of corporal punishment as a tool of upbringing. The insight into its history is accompanied by illustrations and poems by Jiří Žáček.

Documentary Child Psychology Parenting Corporal Punishment Ethics