2023 | Nicaragua, USA | Short

Tierra de Leche

  • Spanish - 12 mins
  • Director | Milton Guillén, Fiona Guy Hall
  • Writer | Milton Guillén, Fiona Guy Hall
  • Producer | Connor Whitley

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

A group of Central American dairy workers in the Northeast of the United States reminisce about their relationship to the land, labor practices, and their home countries. Hours, days, weeks, and years pass by and the repetitiveness of the labor makes way to new families in a non-place. These workers, despite their initial dreams, never come back home, where many of their families forget about them, or are lost to time. The film is an exploration of multispecies exploited by capitalistic forces, humans and cows, and questions the technologies we have created to maximize efficiency over liberation. It is not all lost, however. They have left the farms.

Agriculture Community Environmental Nicaraguan Multispecies Humans Cows Social Issues Farm Reminisce Relationship Land Labor Home Countries Exploration Technologies