2024 | UK, Ireland, USA | Short

Three Keenings

  • - - 10 mins
  • Director | Oliver McGoldrick
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Oliver McGoldrick, Natalie Remplakowski, Cade Featherstone

STATUS: In Distribution

This film is currently not available.   

Set against a backdrop of the Northern Irish countryside, Three Keenings is a dark comedy film based around the tradition of ‘Keening’, a form of vocal lament for the dead in Gaelic Celtic Culture.

It follows the story of Ian, a struggling actor who has the unusual stopgap job of a professional mourner. Ian works the local funeral circuit, getting paid to cry by the hour with his mourning troupe- The Banshees- seemingly detached from the emotion and tragedy around him.

Cultural Ritual Culture Comedy Backdrop Northern Irish Countryside Comedy Tradition Mourner Funeral Emotion Tragedy