2024 | USA | Feature

The White House Effect

  • English - 94 mins
  • Director | Bonni Cohen, Pedro Kos, Jon Shenk
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Noah Stahl, Josh Penn, Justine Nagan, Bonni Cohen, Jon Shenk

STATUS: Completed

This film is currently not available.   

When George H.W. Bush won the presidency in 1988, scientists had already been warning for years of the dangers of global warming. Bush promised to counter the “greenhouse effect” with the “White House Effect,” but his administration’s ties to the fossil fuel industry soon undermined efforts to environmentalist intentions. This sobering yet humorous all-archival film offers captivating flashbacks to the early days of the climate crisis, raising questions about what might have been if our government was accountable to the will of its people and the health of our planet.

Environmental History Climate Change Political Accountability