2024 | France, Germany | Fiction

The Song Of The Pylons

  • French English 68 mins
  • Director | Teano Horn, Léo Bayle
  • Writer | Léo Bayle, Izïa Holleville, Téano Horn
  • Producer | Victor Gütay, Téano Horn

STATUS: Released

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Catherine misses her Flixbus and finds herself stuck on a motorway service station, somewhere in the south of France. Resigning herself to getting by, she sets off on foot along the motorway, crossing industrial landscapes where she meets the Marseille pharaoh. This mystical and buffoonish figure takes her to the wasteland areas of the peri-urban world, explored in wide shots that stretch the distances and the emptiness of spaces. Catherine meets crooked bosses, techno-beat Tesla drivers, comes across a ceremony dedicated to the mysterious catfish man whose arrival so many devotees await... A picaresque journey into the imagination of the margins, folkloric fantasies revisited through the prism of a post-industrial society in full decay.

Comedy Fantasy Surrealism Adventure Journey Imagination Fantasies France Mystical Pharaoh Wasteland Distances Emptiness Tesla Driver Motorway Ceremony Devotees Mysterious Catfish Man