2024 | Switzerland | Documentary

The Song of Others - A Search for Europe

  • English, German, Bosnian, Polish, Greek - 136 mins
  • Director | Vadim Jendreyko
  • Writer | Vadim Jendreyko, Anna Götte
  • Producer | Vadim Jendreyko

STATUS: Released

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What is Europe? In his highly topical personal essay, Vadim Jendreyko travels across the old continent to discover its essence in places that might be called acupuncture points of European identity. His various stops include the bottom of the Rhine, Greek docks, the European Parliament, a primeval forest in Poland, and a Sarajevo library. All of these places invite ambivalent reflections: on the one hand, they celebrate Europe’s diversity and the breadth of its cultural heritage; on the other hand, they are symbols of turbulence, conflict, and bloody history. Is Europe condemned to be stuck in a vicious circle of violence, or is there hope in those who try to sing the songs of others?

Diversity Cultural Conflict History Hope