2018 | Japan | Documentary

The Fisherman and the Forest (2018)

  • Japanese English 49 mins
  • Director | -
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

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Oyster farmer Shigeatsu Hatakeyama is something of a maverick. He is a fisherman, author, university professor, and recipient of the U.N. Forest Hero Award. At a time when industrialization was devastating the ocean, he requested an academic survey and then began planting trees. More than three decades later, a healthy forest, river, and ocean contribute to some of the finest oysters in the world. Even after the 2011 great tsunami swept everything away, nature proved resilient. Hatakeyama restarted his oyster farm and now passes his love for the sea to his grandson. This is a marvelous celebration of Hatakeyama’s small bay, its richness, and the ongoing cycle of life.

Documentary Environmental Restoration Tsunami Aftermath Sustainable Farming Reforestation