1989 | Soviet Union | Fiction

The Different One (1989)

  • Russian - 18 mins
  • Director | Sergii Masloboishchykov
  • Writer | Sergii Masloboishchykov
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The protagonist has an existential hatred for a fellow soldier, who forces his friendship on him. Antipathy is replaced by mutual obsession, which has irreversible consequences. Masloboishchykov’s second film school project, which screened at Semaine de la critique, is based on the short novel Lagoftalm by the lesser-known writer, Dmitry Bakin. The military setting is conveyed through a combination of aggressive tensity and comic music, making it look and seem more like a prison or a madhouse.

Drama Military Existentialism Obsession Friendship Tension Adaptation Short Novel Psychological Thriller Dark Comedy