2015 | France | Documentary,Fiction,Experimental,Archival,Short

The Architect & The Gardener

  • French, English English 13 mins
  • Director | Thibault Le Texier

This film is currently not available.   


She didn’t leave me, she asked me to do it.
I draw maps, I help them to drop bombs.
Hitler bombed Paris, but he hasn’t been excommunicated.
We had to choose where to go on holidays. That’s how it started.


Elle ne m’a pas quitté, elle m’a demandé de le faire.
Je dessine des cartes, je les aide à larguer des bombes.
Hitler a bombardé Paris, mais il n’a pas été excommunié.
Nous devions choisir où partir en vacances. Voilà comment tout a commencé.


With the voice of Todd Sells
And the music of Kawabata Makoto

All videos by Catarina Smith.
All pictures by some kind of Big Brother.

More about film at letexier.org

Film is also available for streaming here.

City Stranger Impression Archival Perception documentary fiction experimental short bomb