2023 | Czech Republic | Short

Tělo-duše-pacient (Body-Soul-Patient)

  • Czech English 22 mins
  • Director | Jindrich Andrs
  • Writer | Jindrich Andrs
  • Producer | Jindřich Andrš, Amelie Kostelková

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Communication skills as an important part of the medical profession. In addition to knowing the correct treatment procedures and diagnoses, doctors must manage situations full of difficult decisions on a daily basis. The film Body-Soul-Patient is an example of scenarios that doctors experience in simulated or real situations. Through observation, it captures the teaching method of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and the preparation of their students for the medical profession. How to proceed correctly when communicating the diagnosis? What if I need to find out important information from the patient? Mutual communication turns out to be the key to solving many situations and the basis for a future demanding profession. Mastering the patient's psyche and one's own can make a difference in saving a life.

Health Medicine Health Care