2024 | Australia | Documentary

TASTE: We Eat What We Are

  • - - 52 mins
  • Director | Annamaria Talas
  • Writer | Annamaria Talas
  • Producer | Annamaria Talas, Oliver Nasht

STATUS: Released

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A journey through the world of flavors and foods, their meanings in the context of evolution - from the Big Bang to Michelin restaurants. Human food is not only a source of necessary sustenance or pleasure, but has deep connections. Ever since life emerged from the sea onto land, it has faced the challenge of staying hydrated without the omnipresence of water. We thus began to draw on various nutrients, the individual flavors of which send signals to our brain - saltiness reminds us of the sea and brings a sense of satisfaction, bitterness indicates danger, sweetness awakens energy in us. The process of consumption balances the scales between the content of individual organisms and the environment from which we draw. We long for what we need, which does not differentiate us much from other animals.

Restaurants Foods Nutrients