2024 | Ukraine | Documentary

Свідки. Полон вбиває (Witnesses. Captivity That Kills)

  • Ukrainian 46 mins
  • Director | Maryna Roshchyna, Tetiana Symon
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Maryna Roshchyna, Tetiana Symon

STATUS: Released

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On the night of July 29, 2022, an explosion destroyed a building in a Russian-operated prison in Molodizhne, near Olenivka, in the Donetsk region. It housed Ukrainian prisoners, many of whom had fought in the siege of Mariupol. Somewhere between 53-62 were killed, with many more wounded. No sooner had the explosion made headlines than the Russian propaganda machine kicked in, obfuscating claims that the explosion was to cover-up the mass torture and murder being carried out there. Maryna Roshchyna and Tetiana Symon’s film draws on available testimonies and footage to piece together what took place and to locate the incident within the wider context of the conflict. It also highlights the essential work being carried out by the Ukraine War Archive, which is racing to record evidence of war crimes before it is erased.

Explosion Prison Siege Propaganda Claims Torture Conflict Crimes