2024 | United States | Animation,Short

Story of the Sun

  • english english 7 mins
  • Director | Phillip Gladkov
  • Writer | Phillip Gladkov
  • Producer | Carmen Escobar Whitaker, Berman Fenelus, Phillip Gladkov

STATUS: Completed

This film is currently not available.   

"Story of the Sun" is the first stop-motion animation in the world made entirely from birch bark. It shares the tale of how the first humans discovered fire, changing the world forever. It's especially meaningful that this film is made from birch bark—a material used for starting fires since the Neanderthal era.

"Story of the Sun" is a movie for both children and adults. It's filled with humor, valuable lessons, and emotionally touching moments.

stop motion animation short film birch bark birch betula natural materials film moment valuable lesson humor fire children adult