2022 | United Kingdom | Documentary

Sixth Form Acid

  • English Spanish 2 mins
  • Director | Morgan Quaintance
  • Writer | Morgan Quaintance
  • Producer | Morgan Quaintance

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The ‘Miniatures’ are an ongoing series of compact films Morgan Quaintance is continually producing. These short shorts are all under four minutes long and allow Quaintance to explore a single formal or conceptual idea. The process of realisation can either be loose and improvisatory or time intensive and heavily edited. Each of the films uses either archival material, or footage Quaintance has shot using a DV of High 8 video camera. Using these mediums, instead of 16mm, allows for quicker production and a more intuitive approach.

Miniature Films Archival Footage Experimental