2024 | Bosnia, Herzegovina | Short

Sister (2024)

  • Bosnian, English, German, Serbian - 20 mins
  • Director | Zulfikar Filandra
  • Writer | Zulfikar Filandra
  • Producer | Zulfikar Filandra

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The story of Sister is told through a montage of various home-movie and instagram-like smartphone footage captured in the period of 2020 and 2023. In these years, the director, after experiencing Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Covid-19 era struggling with the highest pandemic death rate in the world, decides to emigrate and start a new life in Germany. There, the footage is assembled into a film. With the dreams of home, faces from the past appear; places, images and feelings, too.

Bosnia and Herzegovina COVID-19 Emigration Home Videos Personal Stories Pandemic Death Rate Germany New Life Dream Images Feelings