2024 | Lebanon | Documentary

Silent Kingdoms

  • Eng/Ar 20 mins
  • Director | Tony Keyrouz
  • Writer | Mohamad Abdallah, Tony Keyrouz
  • Producer | Alisha Hamdan

STATUS: Production

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In the heart of Lebanon, amidst ecological and social upheaval, a documentary unfolds capturing the challenging existence of a resilient pollinator navigating a landscape scarred by human conflict. This narrative is enriched by a robotic observer equipped with cameras and viewfinders, designed to chronicle the changes in the natural world. The robot records interactions among various insect species within the Arthropoda phylum, documenting the environmental degradation and the struggles faced by these creatures.

The narrative also weaves in real-life interviews with Lebanese street locals and scientists, offering a raw human perspective on the ecological crises. These segments reveal the general public's perception of insects, often tinged with fear and misunderstanding, and highlight the broader societal impacts of environmental neglect.

Artistic visuals enhance the documentary, illustrating the stark beauty and grim realities of the insects' world. Dream-like sequences, portrayed as the insects' fantasies, depict a revitalized ecosystem—a stark contrast to the current degraded environments, illustrating their hopes and dreams for a restored habitat.

The storyline progresses as the pollinator discovers a catastrophic event that has devastated a nearby colony, a poignant moment highlighting the direct impact of human conflict on wildlife habitats. This discovery, vividly captured by the robotic camera, emphasizes the urgent need for conservation efforts.

The film concludes with reflections on the interconnectedness of life and the profound consequences of human actions. The closing scenes feature interviews with locals and experts who discuss the importance of understanding and respecting nature, advocating for ecological restoration and technological advancements aimed at restoring natural balance.

By blending robotic footage, real-life interviews, and artistic visuals, the documentary provides a comprehensive view of the environmental challenges in Lebanon. It aims to shift human perceptions and encourage a collective effort towards sustainability and respect for all life forms, emphasizing the critical role of pollinators in maintaining ecological balance.

Pollinators Lebanon Art documentary discover colony robotic camera film nature ecological technological artistic environmental