2025 | United States | Documentary

Shuffle (2025)

  • English - 81 mins
  • Director | Benjamin Flaherty
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Carra Greenberg, Harris Fishman, Benjamin Flaherty, Scott Paskoff

STATUS: Completed

This film is currently not available.   

Shot over the course of three years, "Shuffle" follows three individuals whose lives depend not on getting into treatment, but on getting out alive, and in the process, shines a light on the insurance-fueled cycle of addiction treatment fraud spreading across the country. With the filmmaker serving as narrator, using his own experience as a roadmap, these personal stories provide the framework for a more public investigation with the help of an FBI informant, an insurance analyst and the former Executive Director of a Philadelphia-based treatment facility. "Shuffle" unravels a web of public policy and private interest preying on a desperate population for the sake of profit.

Documentary Drama Social Issues Addiction Investigation True Story Public Policy Health Care